YMCA Healthy Heart Program - Southern Interior
Condition Specific Support and Public Health
Provided by YMCA
All participants must be referred to the program by their physician. There is a monthly program fee.
Eligibility: Cardiovascular patients and those at risk of developing heart disease; aged 19 and over.
250-491-9622 ext. 224
Website: https://www.ymcasibc.ca/Programs...
Kelowna Family YMCA - 375 Hartman Road, Kelowna, British Columbia
H2O Adventure and Fitness Centre - 4075 Gordon Road, Kelowna, British Columbia
Kelowna Downtown YMCA - 1011-505 Doyle Avenue, Kelowna, British Columbia
Service is available in English.
Cost: Private pay
Referral options:
- Physician or nurse practitioner referral
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by YMCA:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- YMCA Healthy Heart Program - Lower Mainland
- Prenatal Wellness Program - YMCA of Southern Interior BC
- YMCA Choose To Move
Service area: Kelowna
Service Types Provided
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided at multiple locations
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.