Free and Low Cost Counselling - UBC
Child Services, Family / Parenting, Mental Health - Adult & Senior, Mental Health - Child & Youth, and Youth Services
Provided by University of British Columbia (UBC)
The UBC Psychology Clinic provides low cost counselling. They provide assessment and treatment for children, adults, and families. Services are provided by graduate students in the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology who are ultimately supervised by Registered Psychologists. Treatment services, including an initial assessment, are billed on a sliding scale ranging from $10-50/session for individual therapy and $5-25/session for group therapy. The psychoeducational assessments are billed as a onetime fee on a sliding scale ranging from $240-$900/assessment. The fee will be discussed at the first visit and will be assigned based on your gross annual household income.
Public email:
UBC Psychology Clinic - #1409A, 2136 West Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia
Public email:
Psychological Services and Counselling Training Centre - #1100, 2125 Main Mall, Neville Scarfe Education Building, Vancouver, British Columbia
Service is available in English.
Cost: Fees may apply
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by University of British Columbia (UBC):
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Indigenous Programs & Services
- Autism and Neurodiversity in the Workplace
- HealtheSteps™ - Free 6mo Virtual Lifestyle Coaching
Service area: Vancouver
Service Types Provided
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided at multiple locations
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.