Sunshine Coast Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT Clinic) - Sunshine Coast Methadone Clinic - Addictions Treatment
Addictions / Substance Use, Mental Health - Adult & Senior, and Pregnancy Care
Provided by Vancouver Coastal Health
- Assessments
- Treatment planning
- Crisis response services
- Short-term counselling
- Employment and education support
- Referrals to other supports and resources such as detox and treatment centres
- Wellness groups
- Psychiatrist consultation
- Education to community groups and events.
Eligibility: Individuals experiencing emotional, psychological or psychiatric concerns; living with severe and persistent mental health issues, or struggling with substance use and addiction.
Services are free of charge to clients who have valid provincial medical insurance.
Telehealth services are available for initial consultations and follow-ups.
Clients can be self-referred on intake appointment with the addiction nurse before the first clinic appointment. The addiction nurse is available for support from Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
SMART Recovery Group - Wednesdays 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Harm reduction services (take-home naloxone, clean needle kits, HIV POC testing).- Smart recovery on hold
Sunshine Coast Methadone Clinic - 5542 Sunshine Coast Highway, Sechelt, British Columbia, V0N 3A0
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Referral options:
- Self-referral
- Physician or nurse practitioner referral
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Vancouver Coastal Health:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Sheway - For pregnant women and new mothers with drug and alcohol issues
- Community Health Centres - Three Bridges Community Health Centre - West End Mental Health Team
- Vancouver Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT Clinic) - Doc-Side Medical Clinic - Addictions Treatment
Service area: Sechelt
Service Types Provided
- Access / Intake for Health Authority Addiction Services: Access / Intake for Addiction Services (Adult) and Access / Intake for Addiction Services (Older Adult)
- Addiction Counselling: Addiction Counselling (Adult) and Addiction Counselling (First Nations)
- Addiction: Support for Recovery
- Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
- Concurrent Disorders
- Emergency / Rapid Access
- Health Authority Addiction Services
- Navigation Support: Addiction Services
- Pregnancy and Addiction
- Harm Reduction: Counselling Support for Harm Reduction, Harm Reduction in Pregnancy, Naloxone, Needle Exchange, and Safer Sex Supplies
- Opioid Treatment (OAT): Methadone, Suboxone Induction, and Suboxone Maintenance
- Recovery Education & Employment Support: Recovery Education Support: Addictions and Recovery Employment Support: Addictions
Ways to Access
- Provided at a single location
- Provided by phone
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.