Sheway - For pregnant women and new mothers with drug and alcohol issues
Addictions / Substance Use, Child Services, Family / Parenting, Food, Healthcare Providers, Housing / Shelter, Mental Health - Adult & Senior, Pregnancy Care, and Sexual Health
Provided by Vancouver Coastal Health
Staffed by Community Health Nurses and regular Sheway physicians, and other healthcare providers, the Sheway Medical Clinic is a “one-stop” interdisciplinary clinic that provides primary healthcare services to Sheway clients and their children. While all Sheway clients are eligible to seek health care services at Sheway, clients may also choose to see their original medical care providers. Services include:
- Primary healthcare
- Prenatal care and education
- STI and reproductive health care
- Addictions counselling, education, and support
- Opiate Agonist Therapy Advocacy
- Psychiatric assessments for anxiety, depression, and PTSD
- Parent and infant psychotherapy
- Dental examinations and cleaning for children of clients
- Developmental assessments and/or care for children of clients
- Prenatal and postpartum physiotherapy
Clients are able to connect virtually with Family Advice Layer to obtain free legal advice for parents with child protection and family issues and/or help with legal aid applications for child protection, family, and criminal matter (Tuesday, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM). Clients may also talk to an Outreach Worker for services, including accompanying clients on medical and legal appointments and providing advice in areas like financial and legal aid (Monday - Friday, 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM). All family law services are done virtually.
Financial Navigation Support (Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM)
Clients may talk with an Income Community Integration Specialist to obtain help with the Income Assistance application process and/or information and advice about other financial aid services.
Food Services (hours vary)
- Hot Lunch (Monday - Friday, 1:00PM– 1:30PM)
- Sheway Food Support Sheway clients receive food bags, milk, eggs and fruit bags to help address food insecurity.
- Community Kitchen
Housing Navigation Support (Monday - Friday, 10:30 am - 4:00 PM)
Clients may talk to a Housing Advisor to obtain information about available housing options and help with housing applications.
Infant Development Program (Monday - Friday, 10:30 AM – 4:00 PM and By phone: Monday – Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM at 604-216-1699)
Clients may talk to the Infant Development Program Consultants during regular drop-in hours or by phone. Free services include information on child development, safety checks of baby equipment, home visits, activity planning, and service coordination.
Parenting Classes (Friday, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
Clients have the opportunity to learn ways to encourage their child’s development, meet other parents; discuss parenting and child development issues; and make the best use of other community resources and activities.
Music Therapy (Friday, 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM)
It gives infants, children, and adults an opportunity to express themselves, promote communication and secure bonding, enhance coordination and physical development, and develop positive social interaction.
Eligibility: Program provides services to women who:
- Are pregnant and/or parenting infants/children
- Have a current or recent history of drug and/or alcohol use
- Live in Vancouver
Intakes occur during drop-in hours. No referral is necessary.
Public email:
533 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6A 1P9
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Vancouver Coastal Health:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Access Central - Detox Referral Line
- Community Health Centres - Evergreen Community Health Centre - Addiction Services
- Community Health Centres - Three Bridges Community Health Centre - West End Mental Health Team
Service area: Vancouver
Service Types Provided
- Addiction Counselling: Addiction Counselling (Adult) and Addiction Counselling (First Nations)
- Health Authority Addiction Services: Addiction Services (Adult)
- Harm Reduction: Counselling Support for Harm Reduction and Harm Reduction in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy and Addiction: Harm Reduction in Pregnancy and Pregnancy: Abstinence Support
- Opioid Treatment (OAT): Methadone
- Outreach Services
- Addiction: Support for Recovery: Pregnancy: Support for Recovery
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided at a single location
- Provided in a group in-person
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.