Immigrant Services - Vancouver
Employment, Food, Housing / Shelter, Immigrant and Refugee Services, and Social / Recreational
Provided by Collingwood Neighbourhood House
Offers courses and workshops throughout the year on topics such as basic computer use, nutrition, stress management, housing options, citizenship preparation, health services, education, and income taxes.
Pre-Employment Services provide assistance with resume writing, employment resources, and referrals, foreign credentials, job-finding strategies, resume building, computer skills, and labour market opportunities.
Public email:
5288 Joyce Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5R 6C9
3690 Vanness Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5R 5B6
Service is available in Cantonese, English, Hindi, Mandarin, Punjabi, Spanish, and Tagalog.
Cost: Fees may apply
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Collingwood Neighbourhood House:
Service area: Vancouver
Service Types Provided
- Employment Support
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided at multiple locations
- Provided in a group in-person
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.