Substance Use Day Treatment - Interior Health

Provided by Interior Health

Our Substance Use Day Treatment program provides you with structured substance use treatment and support services.
  • This group based program is 6 weeks, 5 days per week.
  • Services may include: Healthy coping & self-care skills - Social connections within the community - Tools to sustain a healthy & balanced lifestyle Plus the following Substance Use Counselling & Treatment Services - Support in developing personal treatment goals - Assessment & interventions - Group & individual counselling - Medical & psychiatric consultation - Education & self-management support - Referrals to other community services - Outreach services.

  • Offered at Mental Health Centres throughout the Interior Health Region and virtually.

    Location finder:

    Service is available in English.

    Cost: No cost

    Referral options:

    • Physician or nurse practitioner referral
    • Self-referral
    Associated Programs/Services

    Also offered by Interior Health:

    Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!

    Service area: Castlegar, Kamloops, Kelowna, Merritt, Penticton, Vernon

    Service Types Provided
    Ways to Access
    • Provided at multiple locations
    • Provided in a group in-person
    • Provided online: email / video / on-line

    The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.

    Pathways does not provide medical advice. If you have an emergency please call 9-1-1. If you require assistance navigating services please call 8-1-1.

    For general inquiries or for assistance, please email us:

    If you are requesting clinical access to medical Pathways, please provide the following information via the email above:

    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email
    4. In which city/town do you work?
    5. What is your role? E.g. Family Physician, Office Staff, Medical Resident
    6. Employer Name (for office staff)
    7. Office Phone

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