Public Health Unit - Powell River
Public Health
Provided by Vancouver Coastal Health
In qathet General Hospital - 5000 Joyce Avenue, Powell River, British Columbia, V8A 5R3
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Referral options:
- Self-referral
- Physician or nurse practitioner referral
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Vancouver Coastal Health:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Vancouver Paediatric Team
- Dental Care - Vancouver Coastal Health
- Child Health Clinics - Vancouver Coastal Health
Service area: Powell River
Service Types Provided
- Vaccination / Immunization: Adult immunization, Childhood Immunization, COVID Immunization, and Flu Immunization
- Pregnancy and Postpartum Services: Breastfeeding / Lactation Support, Pregnancy and Addiction, Pregnancy and Mental Health, and Prenatal Classes
- Dental Care Services: Dental Care (Child)
- Find a Public Health Unit
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STD, STI): Safer Sex Supplies
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.