Fraser East Rapid Access to Addictions Care (RAAC) - formerly known as Riverstone Program
Addictions / Substance Use
Provided by Fraser Health
Individuals in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Agassiz, Hope and Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows can self-refer by calling 1-866-795-0600, or can be referred by their advocate/surrogate, family doctor or other health care provider, community agency or social worker, with the individual’s consent.
Chilliwack Opioid Agonist Therapy clinic is available on site at the Chilliwack General Hospital.
An Indigenous Outreach Team is also available to support Withdrawal Management in 27 First Nation Communities in these areas.
Chilliwack General Hospital - 45600 Menholm Road, Chilliwack, British Columbia, V2P 1P7
Wheelchair accessible.
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Referral options:
- Self-referral
- Physician or nurse practitioner referral
- Health professional referral
- Social worker referral
- Community service organization referral
- Advocate/Surrogate referrals
Brochures and Info
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Fraser Health:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Substance Use Services - Surrey
- Burnaby Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT Clinic) - Burnaby OAT Clinic - Addictions Treatment
- Outpatient Substance Use Treatment Program - Adult Day, Evening, Weekend (DEW)
Service area: Fraser Health Area
Service Types Provided
- Access / Intake for Health Authority Addiction Services: Access / Intake for Addiction Services (Adult), Access / Intake for Addiction Services: Day Programs, Access / Intake for Addiction Services: Detox / Withdrawal, Access / Intake for Addiction Services (Older Adult), Access / Intake for Addiction Services: Residential Treatment, and Access / Intake for Addiction Services (Youth)
- Addiction Counselling: Addiction Counselling (Adult)
- Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
- Concurrent Disorders
- Health Authority Addiction Services
- Navigation Support: Addiction Services
- Outreach Services
- Youth Addictions Services
- Harm Reduction: Counselling Support for Harm Reduction and Naloxone
- Detox / Withdrawal: Detox / Withdrawal: Outpatient
- Emergency / Rapid Access: Emergency / Rapid Access (Adult), Emergency / Rapid Access (Older Adult), and Emergency / Rapid Access (Youth)
- Opioid Treatment (OAT): Methadone, Suboxone Induction, and Suboxone Maintenance
Ways to Access
- Provided at a single location
- Provided at home
- Provided by phone
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.